Note: If You’ve Reached This Page In An Effort To Find A Non-Company Created “ Review” Or To Discover If You Should Expect To Make Mountains Of Money Using A Website, You’ve Come To The Right Place!
Our company has spoken with hundreds AND worked directly with dozens of businesses who at one point wanted to know MORE about making money online using, websites, or’s Monthly Marketing Programming.
On this page, John Gosselin, our team’s “Director of Implementation” shines light on why and how our company has become the leading 3rd party educational authority on all things HIBU,,, and all of the other sites involved with this ownership group.
Below Are The Top 5 Things You CANNOT Overlook When Reviewing &/Or Websites
1. You Don’t Start Out Owning Your Website…
Our team has spoken to hundreds and worked with dozens of business owners interested in aligning with to either develop their company’s website or to further amplify the process of “monetizing their message” on the most important spaces and places online that are converting web visitors to sales.
The bottom line is that NO TWO BUSINESSES ARE ALIKE. Thus, no two online marketing plans and/or websites should be alike either, right? However, after speaking to these hundreds and working with dozens of business men and women who were affiliated with, the extensive amount of data we’ve mined and the feedback we’ve gotten, coupled with the immense amount of hands-on experience has allowed us to understand where SO MANY are “going wrong” when working with
The #1 objection MOST people usually have with has to do with the terms, conditions, and pricing structure of their websites.
For some reason, prefers to LEASE their clients their website — not outright sell it to them. However, IF you pressure them enough, they will sell it to you for a fee. Buyer beware with this one — it’s imperative you own EVERYTHING you can regarding your website. Our suggestion is that IF you R-E-A-L-L-Y want to grow your company, (especially online), you MUST CONTROL what gets published on your website from the first day it’s live.
After all, your website is the “central hub” of your online existence… don’t look for shortcuts when it comes to your website. As for those who think we put this page together to “trash”, please think again and again.
This page was created for people seeking strategic and systematic ways to go-about ramping up sales results, trimming time, and using their website and business as a unique force in the marketplace and/or geographic community they serve to get honest, 3rd party advice about!
2. With Websites, Automating Sales & Growing Your Email List IS NOT Possible…
It is NO LONGER the “wild-west” when it comes to converting website visitors to a paying customer. In ANY industry, the “golden rule” of online marketing states if you are not capturing your web visitor’s contact information, (most importantly their email address), you are likely leaving tens or thousands of dollars on the table for your business.
At Clayton NC Web Design, we talk about maximizing both short-term and long-term return on investment (ROI) at every marketing touch-point you have with a prospect. To make the abstract process of doing this simple: I’d like to ask you a question: if you aren’t capturing your web visitors information what else are you planning to do to bring visitors back to your web offerings?
As socrates once said, “The unexamined online sales and marketing infrastructure has no meaning.” Just kidding, as we all know, Socrates was cited for saying, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” If you’d like to understand more about the fancies of why this is so imperative, how-to strategies for making this work with your business, or ask anything about and/or websites, contact us.
Read part 2… You can find it here!